The ST20_2019/313 project report was well received.
Ptil suggests that ArcISo continue with the work and try to summarise the learnings from previous reports.Thereafter, ArcISo engaged in this ST20_Extension project and on 16th of January 2019 ArcISo delivered the final report "Glacial Ice Actions-Executive summary of NORD ST20 2019/313 and NORD ST19".
- Task #1: Reviewing and making a synergy out of the results from previous projects (ST5, ST19, and ST20_2018)
- Task #2: Studying the statistical characteristics of drifting icebergs and determining the annual iceberg encounter frequency for structures with different sizes at a given location in the Barents Sea.
- Task #3: Performing structural damage assessment due to impact with glacial ice features of varying local sharpness at the contact zone.
- Task #4: Evaluating the lower limit of a glacial ice feature’s size that can be detected by marine radar.
On November 30th, 2018, ArcISo delivered the report “Assessment of Structural Damage due to Glacial Ice Impact” to the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (Petroleumstilsynet, PTIL). The report is well received and it concludes this project, i.e., PTIL – Konstruksjonssikkerhet i Nordområdene (Nord ST19).
The abstract to the report can be found here.
The full report can be found on the PTIL website, accessed here (PDF, 17.6 MB).
On March 21st, ArcISo AS won a bid from the Petroleum Safety Authority of Norway (Petroleumstilsynet) to carry out the project ‘Load, Design and Operation of Floaters in the Northern Areas (Laster, Design og Operasjon av Flytere i Nordområdene, NORD ST20_2019/313)’.
This project (i.e., NORD ST20_2019/313) is a follow-up project of three closely related preceding projects, namely, ST5 (going through the entire glacial ice – structure interaction process), ST19 (with more detailed studies on impacts and damage assessments), and ST20_2018 (with more detailed studies on hydrodynamics and impacting bodies’ motions in waves). As a continuation and further enrichments, we intend to perform the following four main tasks in this project (ST20_2019):
- Assimilate and fuse knowledge generated over the previous projects (i.e., ST3, ST5, ST19, and ST20_2018).
- Study the encounter frequency and statistical distribution of glacial ice features’ geometry (i.e., size and parameterised shape) at the site of interest.
- Establish local ice geometries and performing integrated analysis using Nonlinear Finite Element Method (FEM) and the state-of-art Simulator for Arctic Marine Structures (SAMS). This means that the ‘shared energy approach’ shall be followed; and the structural damage assessment (i.e., internal mechanics) shall be carried out by Nonlinear FEM; and the impact energy map construction (i.e., external mechanics) shall be simulated with SAMS. In addition, SAMS has been upgraded to be able to simulate an ‘indentation/damage map’ around the structure directly. This feature shall be utilised as one of the methods (i.e., Method #2, shall be described) to offer structural damage assessment.
- Examine the assumption of the size of detectable small glacial ice features and construct a probability of detection curve with relevant parameters.
This project is expected to conclude on September 30th, 2019.
The trawler “Northguider” stranded at Sparreneset in the Hinlopen Strait on December 28th, 2018. The vessel has been abandoned and remains aground at Sparreneset on Nordaustlandet in the Hinlopen Strait, Spitsbergen at proximity to the shoreline in position 79° 53.9’ N 018° 04.7’ E on a Northeasterly heading. In the narrowest part of the Hinlopenstretet, there is a 40 nautical mile long submarine valley with a depth of 400 – 500 m, with sudden change in water depth. Drifting sea ice is expected at the grounded-vessel location. Sea ice can potentially exert significant forces on the grounded vessel. Considering the sensitive location of the vessel (i.e., around 100 - 200 m away from the sudden drop in the water depth), it is of great importance to know whether or not the vessel can be pushed by drifting sea ice into deeper waters before the planned salvage operation.
ArcISo AS was contacted by Kystverket (the Norwegian Coastal Administration) and took the responsibility of calculating the potential ice forces on the grounded vessel with the proprietary software Simulator for Arctic Marine Structures (SAMS). The calculated ice force and its associated force duration lead to better insights regarding if the vessel can be pushed off location by drifting sea ice or not. To establish the numerical simulations with SAMS, two tasks were carried out in this project. These are: 1) studying the environmental conditions at the site and establishing the numerical test matrix; and 2) conducting numerical simulations with different variables and presenting the results.
Related reports regarding this incident can be found in, e.g., (in Norwegian)
During 10-14 December 2018, representatives of ArcISo attended the Arctic Partnership Week in Busan, South Korea.
On December 12th, Professor Sveinung Løset was invited to the Arctic Science Cooperation Seminar and gave a talk on ‘Advances in Simulator for Arctic Marine Structures’.
In the same conference, on December 14th, Dr. Wenjun Lu was also invited and he gave a talk on ‘Ice Fracture Simulations Within SAMS’. Both presentations were well received by the audience. Separate meetings with interested industries such as KRISO, Hyundai, COSCO and universities were held in between the conference.
- ArcISo won a bid from the Petroleum Safety Authority of Norway (Petroleumstilsynet) to carry out studies (ST19).
- Professor Kwang-Hyo Jung from Pusan National University, South Korea and Professor Hyun Soo Kim from Inha University, South Korea visted us and a meeting presenting SAMS was held.
- “Modelling Results with a New Simulator Arctic Marine Structures – SAMS”
- “Simulator for Arctic Marine Structures (SAMS)”